Weight Wise Expo, Toronto September 26-27, 2009
Weight Wise Expo, Toronto September 26-27, 2009
Weight management, healthy nutrition, active lifestyle
International Centre - Hall 6
6900 Airport Road,
Mississauga, L4V 1E8 ON
Free Parking
Wireless Internet
Cash Machines
Taxi Phones
Washroom Facilities
Wheelchair Availability
Accessible Washrooms
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Adults $14.00 On-line - $11.00
Seniors (65+) $10.00
Youth 13 - 17 $10.00
Children 12 and under Free
Dates and Hours:
Saturday, September 26th, 2009 10:00AM - 8:00PM
Sunday, September 27th, 2009 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Learn To Be Wise about Your Weight!
Weight Wise Expo is a dynamic forum for public and professionals to discuss and promote healthy weight, nutrition and lifestyle.
Explore Weight Wise Guide to community resources in the Greater Toronto Area
and join us live for exciting two day event in September 2009.
Motivational seminars, educational workshops, keynote speakers, demonstrations, one-on-one individual consultations, health screening, exhibitors - everything you need to know about weight management, nutrition and fitness will be available under one roof.
The top respected professionals, programs and techniques in the field: doctors, nutritionists, fitness experst, diet management specialists, motivational speakers will all be on hand to provide answers to every question you ever had about weight management.
All the Latest Information Available Under One Roof
Weight Wise Expo is the go-to event of the year for anyone who wants to explore their options and learn about the latest nutritional, medical, fitness, cosmetic and surgical weight management information. And it’s all available under one roof.
The years of costly trial and error spent on ineffective diet efforts are over. A single visit to the Weight Wise Expo will provide you with everything you need and want to know about losing weight and staying healthy.
COPYRIGHT 2008 - Weight Wise Expo - All Rights Reserved
