Nutrition for Gout
Nutrition for Gout
Last updated: 06/01/06.

Dietary Principles:

* A short alkaline fast is recommended for 5 days, to be repeated one month later.

* Water fasts are not advised.

* Increase fluids.

* Low purine diet: No red meats or red wines. See complete list below.

* Maintain a low fat diet, using only unsaturated fats

* Calorie percentages: 70% complex carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein,

15%-18% fat

* Eat lots of fiber.

* If overweight, reduce weight to normal range.

Therapeutic Foods and Vegetables:

Apples, black currants, watercress, kale, strawberries, dandelion greens, potato broth, chicory, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, parsnips, celery

olives, rye, lima beans, rice bran, bananas, sprouts, and watercress

Fresh Juices: (Try each one until you find a juice that benefits you.)

Celery and parsley juice or tea


Carrot and spinach

Carrot, beet, and cucumber

Carrot, celery, and parsley

Potato peel broth

Dried olive tea

Nut milk and liquid chlorophyll

Foods and Beverages to Avoid:

Purine-rich foods: organ meats, shellfish, herring, anchovies, sardines, lentils, dry peas, dry beans, seafood, asparagus, mushrooms, Vitamin B3, alcohol, ketones, coffee, tea or colas containing caffeine, cocoa, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fat

Specific Supplements:

Folic acid - 10-75 mg. a day (Monitor B12 levels, watching for toxicity)

Vitamin C - 3-5 grams a day

B12 - if you are taking colchicine for gout


Copyright 2006.

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