Mile High Boot Camp Aurora Colorado
Mile High Boot Camp
for Women
Your Aurora, Centennial & Denver, Colorado
Womens Fitness Boot Camp
Get Your Best Body EVER! Come workout with us at Colorado's one and ONLY Mile High Boot Camp for Women! This is one of the most amazing, intense experiences you will be proud you can achieve! Come workout with us and get on-going assistance and motivation by joining other women with similar goals.
This is the Fitness Boot Camp in Colorado you have been hearing about! Women of all fitness levels, shapes, sizes and ages from Denver, Aurora, Englewood, Littleton and Centennial Colorado are attaining astounding results with Mile High Boot Camp! You can too! Are you looking for a positive and motivating coach to become a partner in helping you lose weight and transform to your physical best? Then this is for you! Whether you are a beginner, an avid fitness enthusiast or just tired of the same routine come try this whole new approach to exercise, fun and total body outdoor* fitness!
Mile High Boot Camp is a four week outdoor* fitness program that offers fitness instruction, nutritional counseling and motivational training - packed with fun and energizing activities designed to help you build a strong, fit body and mind. Whether you want to lose unwanted fat, to feel fabulous in your clothes or if you want to boost your metabolism and renew your energy. This program is for you and now is the time to get started. Class size is limited, and fills quickly.
*during cold weather we do train at our indoor hanger
Don't have time?
Learn about
EXPRESS 30 minute Sessions & Evening Training Classes
Lose Weight, Feel Great!
Expected results when you complete camp are:
3-5% reduction in body fat
5-12 pounds weight loss
25% improvement in strength
100% Gain in self confidence
1-3 inch decrease in the midsection
25% improvement in endurance
Greatly improved posture
Better relaxation
What you can expect from
Mile High Adventure Boot Camp:
One hour a day for 4 weeks
Monday through Friday 5:30 a.m.
Dynamic Instruction from Kelli Meier
Hand Weights, Kettlebells, Cardio, Endurance Training!
Registration is just $325 for a 4-week camp
3, 4, 5-day/week programs available!
