Acupuncture & Weight Loss
Acupuncture & Weight Loss
Author: Staff Writer
The fact that acupuncture can actually aid in weight loss may seem like news to most people. It is a fact known and practiced in China for more than 5000 years. Acupuncture is the Chinese art of healing various ailments by piercing the body with stainless steel needles at particular points that help regulate the flow of ‘Chi’ or life force through the body.
Using acupuncture is a natural method of weight loss that has none of the side effects associated with yo-yo dieting and taking ambiguous supplements and pills to lose weight. Weight loss with acupuncture is a slow and methodical process. There is nothing magical about it.
Acupuncture treats the physical and psychological components of obesity. While acupuncture does affect the physical functioning of the body directly, it also heals the individual’s mind. In effect, acupuncture helps an individual lose weight and keep that weight off.
Any good acupuncture therapist treats several different aspects and ailments to affect weight loss. Acupuncture is used to stimulate the digestive system so that the stomach and spleen become more efficient in processing the food. A better digestive system has an enhanced capability to convert and carry the Chi from the food to various parts of the body. Hence the individual feel more fulfilled and less likely to overeat. While acupuncture aids weight loss by making the physical functioning of the digestive system more efficient, it also works at emotionally making the individual feel more satiated. The dual approach towards weight loss is what makes acupuncture a great way to lose some weight.
In addition to weight loss, acupuncture often treats irregular bowel movements, irregular menstrual flow, mood swings, PMS, tiredness and fatigue, toxic build up in the blood and other related symptoms and causes of obesity.
Acupuncture also releases endorphins that are the body’s natural painkillers or feel good chemicals. The release of endorphins means that the patient feels more relaxed and in a better state of mind in general. The positive frame of mind is more conducive to resisting the urge to binge. The individual is also less likely to need comfort food and hence eat less. Thus, Acupuncture is a two pronged approach to weight loss.
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