Health Nutrition for Kids with ADD
Health Nutrition for Kids with ADD

A healthy diet is important for all children and adults but it is even more important for those who suffer Attention Deficit Disorder, according to Dr. Frank Lawlis, author of The ADD Answer: How to Help Your Child Now. Eating the right foods maximizes concentration, learning capacity and self-control, and poor nutrition choices can exacerbate symptoms of ADD or cause medical problems.

Following are some of the foods that have been investigated and found to have negative impacts on children's health.

Artificial colors and preservatives

Processed milk and milk products

Wheat products, but only breads and cereals that are not whole grain.


Oranges and grapefruits


The great news is that substituting healthier foods can immediately reduce ADD symptoms in many cases. There are a number of excellent studies that have demonstrated 50 to 70 percent resolution of hyperactive behavior and increased concentration spans with alternative menus.

The Hero's Diet Plan

The following is a nutritional plan that Dr. Lawlis has created for children with ADD. It doesn't require high-priced foods or supplements. The only one requirement for this plan to work is that the entire family needs to go on it. It is hard enough to change a child's food habits without having a brother or sister eating his favorite fast foods in front of him. It is also important to show family support and solidarity.

Our bodies were not designed to handle processed and greasy foods. Put the fryer and microwave in storage. Eat most foods in their raw and natural states. Those that need to be cooked should be boiled or grilled over a low flame to reach at least water's boiling point (212? F). To get your children to eat raw vegetables and other healthy raw foods like raisins, put a little peanut butter or honey on them.

Here is part of his recommended natural food plan. For sample menus and more, go to


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